Wednesday, February 07, 2007

RIAA tries (pitifully) to spin Steve Jobs' blast at DRM

It seems that the RIAA can not read very well. Maybe they should either turn down their corrupted music or get lawyers that read more than just Latin legal jargon. Steve Jobs unequivocally announced yesterday that he wants to see the END of DRM. Not a swtich to everybody relying on the same corrupted music format; the END! The RIAA ASSumed that he meant that everybody should switch to Fairplay which the RIAA would welcome with open arms. If Apple got together with all the tech companies out their couldn't they just crush the RIAA.

In related news, I've heard rumors that a bunch of idie artists and labels are going to join forces to take on the RIAA. Back in the 20's there was a broadcast radio monopoly which required smaller companies joining together to end the monopoly. I really hope this works because many indie artists want their music shared freely without being laden with DRM.

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