Thursday, June 28, 2007

Letter to Senators Levin and Stabenow

I wrote this FAX to my senators the day before the Senate voted on an amendment to remove a national ID system from the immigration bill.

Senators Levin and Stabenow,

As a your constituent I implore and urge you to support the Baucus-Tester and Grassley-Baucus amendments to the immigration bill. The REAL ID would be one of the biggest steps away from freedom that this country has ever see. Requiring a citizen to carry and present identification within their own country is reminiscent of Nazi Germany and Communist China. I served my country honorably during Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom to help make this country a safer place to live. A national ID system would only make steps toward fascism and fear. For the sakes of our children and our children's children do not let liberty and freedom become a part of history. Thank you.

Very Respectfully,
Adam Dempsey

Poison War??

Has Bush secretly engaged our country in a poison war with China? It seems everyday I read about the US discovering poisonous products from toothpaste to toy trains. China is also constantly stopping US products from entering their country as well. In this covert war Walmart must be the special forces used to deploy the poisonous products. Actually they'd be more like hired mercenaries because I'm sure Walmart would poison the Waltons for enough money.
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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My First Marathon

Well I did it! I finished Grandma's Marathon! I ran it in just under 4 hours. I should have been able to run it faster but I was worried about bonking. It was AWESOME!!!! I ran with Bill Gribbel and Jones for most of the race. We finished within a few minutes of each other. The fourth guy (second from right) is Jones' Guard buddy Ross. I am really sore now but it was so worth it. I definitely think I will do more of them.