Sunday, June 22, 2008

My letter to Bart Stupack

I wrote Congressman Stupak this letter after finding out he sold out his constituents to Bush:

Congressman Stupak,

I was extremely disappointed today when I learn that you voted Yes on H.R. 6304 which will give amnesty to telecoms that spied on American citizens and broke federal wiretapping laws.

This bill is a severe blow to civil liberties in this country and I WILL NOT support any member of Congress that votes in favor of limiting them. Please enlighten me as to your reasoning for supporting this awful bill.

Where has the "strength" of the democratic party in congress been? I have not seen it.

I served six years in the military during Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom and as human being with a conscience, I fundamentally disagree with the abuse of power the Bush administration has used against the American people.

Very Respectfully,
Adam Dempsey