Monday, August 13, 2007

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Letter to Senators Levin and Stabenow

I wrote this FAX to my senators the day before the Senate voted on an amendment to remove a national ID system from the immigration bill.

Senators Levin and Stabenow,

As a your constituent I implore and urge you to support the Baucus-Tester and Grassley-Baucus amendments to the immigration bill. The REAL ID would be one of the biggest steps away from freedom that this country has ever see. Requiring a citizen to carry and present identification within their own country is reminiscent of Nazi Germany and Communist China. I served my country honorably during Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom to help make this country a safer place to live. A national ID system would only make steps toward fascism and fear. For the sakes of our children and our children's children do not let liberty and freedom become a part of history. Thank you.

Very Respectfully,
Adam Dempsey

Poison War??

Has Bush secretly engaged our country in a poison war with China? It seems everyday I read about the US discovering poisonous products from toothpaste to toy trains. China is also constantly stopping US products from entering their country as well. In this covert war Walmart must be the special forces used to deploy the poisonous products. Actually they'd be more like hired mercenaries because I'm sure Walmart would poison the Waltons for enough money.
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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My First Marathon

Well I did it! I finished Grandma's Marathon! I ran it in just under 4 hours. I should have been able to run it faster but I was worried about bonking. It was AWESOME!!!! I ran with Bill Gribbel and Jones for most of the race. We finished within a few minutes of each other. The fourth guy (second from right) is Jones' Guard buddy Ross. I am really sore now but it was so worth it. I definitely think I will do more of them.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Holy Free Money Batman!

I won a scholarship for $500!! Who would've thought this prior C student in high school would be rockin' a 3.5 in university and getting scholarships. Not me. I also got my studetn teaching teaching placement and its exactly where I was hoping for.

Monday, May 21, 2007

The Evils of Starbucks

Here is an excellent article on how poorly Starbucks treats its employees. Starbucks and Walmart are horrible for workers rights. Link

Workers revolt! or at least unionize.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

MPAA pwnd by DIGG and the users of the free internet

This weeks Little Orphan Annie secret decoder ring secret code is:


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Friday, April 27, 2007

Countdown to life without Bush

This is my new favorite key chain gadget! It counts down the days to when the dolt GW is ousted by our constitution. Unless of course he becomes the true dictator he aspires to be. I can't believe the military brainwashed me enough to actually vote for this douche bag.
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Monday, April 23, 2007

Best of two worlds

The best that the U.S. and Russia have to offer come together in Africa. Isn't life grand?
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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Do NOT Buy Monster Cables!

This is the biggest scam in the home theater world. For instance Monster is selling Nintendo Wii component cables for $60 which is double what Nintendo charges for the official cables and up to six times what you can expect to pay for third party cables. Mind you the Wii only displays 480p. There is no possible way that there is a $50 difference in the quality of video between my $10 cables and Monster's $60 ones. I doubt most people could even tell the difference between the two.

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Monday, April 02, 2007

Lets all buy only EMI's tunes

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EMI will now be available on iTunes DRM free! This is the first hammer coming down on the Belrin wall or DRM. Steve got the ball rolling but a major record company actually following through is amazing.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Go NPR!!!

NPR is fighting the RIAA's attempts to raise royalties through an internet rate increase.

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

What does nationality matter?

Since when does the nationality of a college students matter even if he is depressed ands threatens that he has a bomb??? This is how the media continually feeds the flames of racism and bigotry.
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Police: Depressed student said he had bomb, anthrax

ROLLA, Missouri (AP) -- Nearly two dozen people were being decontaminated Tuesday after a white, powdery substance was found on a student who claimed to have a bomb and threatened "terrorist-type" actions at the University of Missouri-Rolla, officials said.

The man, described as a graduate student depressed about his grades, also claimed to have anthrax, according to police. School officials said "possible bomb materials" were found when he was taken into custody.

The man's identity and nationality were not released, though school spokesman Lance Feyh said he was an international student.

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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Quote of the day

"Stop buying products that serve any other master than you." Joel Johnson

This was in reference to an article he wrote for Gizmodo (link) about how what a joke consumer electronics are. The is a perfect description of DRM riddled products such as Microsoft's Plays for Sure, and Apple's Fairplay (which Steve Jobs want to gets rid of but Hollywood has a gun bazooka held to his head). If I legally purchase an album or a movie of of the intertubes I should be able to do whatever the hell I want with it. But no, the music industry and Hollywood stooges get to tell what I'm allowed to do with MY property. I purchased the product, not rented it. Anyway, as that went way off topic, read the article I linked to earlier.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Scary Stuff! aka Bush is trying to get into your pants

I saw this blog today on Gizmodo (the best tech blog on the planet). It says that Hitachi has developed RFID chips that that call "powder" because they are so damn small! This makes the future of any type of personal privacy seem bleak! Remember: Nobody has more motivation to lie than your government. That's my favorite quote that I invented.

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Monday, February 12, 2007

Eben Ice Caves

Me, Mel, Sven, Missie, and Dewitt went to the ice caves in Eben this weekend. It was a great day for it! It was all of our first time going except for Sven. The walk was pretty easy. We brought snowshoes but didn't need them as the trail was packed down and more like a road. I brought my new Garmin Forerunner 305 sans heart rate monitor. It worked great and didn't lose reception once even being in my jacket pocket for the most part. I hope me and Mel get out and do some more fun stuff outside this winter. I'm looking forward to the Porkies in a couple weeks.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

RIAA tries (pitifully) to spin Steve Jobs' blast at DRM

It seems that the RIAA can not read very well. Maybe they should either turn down their corrupted music or get lawyers that read more than just Latin legal jargon. Steve Jobs unequivocally announced yesterday that he wants to see the END of DRM. Not a swtich to everybody relying on the same corrupted music format; the END! The RIAA ASSumed that he meant that everybody should switch to Fairplay which the RIAA would welcome with open arms. If Apple got together with all the tech companies out their couldn't they just crush the RIAA.

In related news, I've heard rumors that a bunch of idie artists and labels are going to join forces to take on the RIAA. Back in the 20's there was a broadcast radio monopoly which required smaller companies joining together to end the monopoly. I really hope this works because many indie artists want their music shared freely without being laden with DRM.

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Thursday, January 04, 2007

CFL's: Taking Too Many People to Change a Lightbulb

I don't understand why it is taking so long for people to switch over to Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs in their homes. I know it took me long enough, mostly because I'm lazy. Now that I have made the switch I am not only excited to see the energy savings but I actually feel better about myself a a person. Switching to CFLs is THE easiest way for the average American to make a difference in our energy consumption. Here really why I don't understand why people are not swarming to the stores to buy CFL's: THEY SAVE YOU MONEY!!!!!!!!! I read somewhere that Adobe spent $11,000 outfitting their headquarters with CFL's and they calculated a savings of $100,000 per year!!!! I think the problem is that Americans are obsessed with instant gratification. They want their savings RIGHT NOW! We don't want to spend an extra $3 on a light bulb unless it saves us at least $3 immediately. I think we need more aggressive marketing to 'edumacate' people on the NUMEROUS benefits to switching over "from the dark side."

UPDATE: I just realized that the picture comparing CFL's and incandescents is quite outdated CFL's cost much less nowadays (I paid $7 for a three pack of GE CFL's in Dec. of 2006). I'll look for a new one and post it when found.