Saturday, August 09, 2008

30 Days of Deprivation

Beginning August 1st I will try something new. I will deprive myself of something I enjoy for one month. Each month will be something new. I will obviously start small and hopefully work my way up from there. There are a couple reasons for this:

1. To better discipline myself

2. A lame attempt to honor those that are deprived by reasons other than choice

3. To see if I can even do it

My first 30 days of deprivation will be soda. No, not alcohol! That would be more of a culmination of this project!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

My letter to Bart Stupack

I wrote Congressman Stupak this letter after finding out he sold out his constituents to Bush:

Congressman Stupak,

I was extremely disappointed today when I learn that you voted Yes on H.R. 6304 which will give amnesty to telecoms that spied on American citizens and broke federal wiretapping laws.

This bill is a severe blow to civil liberties in this country and I WILL NOT support any member of Congress that votes in favor of limiting them. Please enlighten me as to your reasoning for supporting this awful bill.

Where has the "strength" of the democratic party in congress been? I have not seen it.

I served six years in the military during Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom and as human being with a conscience, I fundamentally disagree with the abuse of power the Bush administration has used against the American people.

Very Respectfully,
Adam Dempsey

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Dugg: This is how police SHOULD react to protesters

A video of an LAPD officer explaining things to an Anon protest group. This is how protests SHOULD be treated.

read more | digg story

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Dugg: Obama Didn't Want My Money

An amazing story!The Obama campaign returned a $100.00 donation check to a donor with a letter explaining why. The letter left the individual even more committed to Obama.

read more | digg story

Absolut Idiots!

These people that are upset and boycotting Absolut Vodka over the ad they ran in Mexico are complete idiots!:

Learn your history before you open your mouth! America stole all of its land one way or another from the indigenous people of North America. Just because we beat the shit out of them with superior weapons doesn't give us the right to take their land. If you think it does, think about me coming over your house over with a NERF bat for you and a aluminum bat for me. WHEN you lose I guess I get your house, property, possessions, and will kick your family out. That would be fair right?

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Free Magenta!!!

So neighbors steal your wi-fi, kill the link or... have fun!

So you find out that everyone in on your block is using your network without your permission. Do you lock it down or...? Or maybe you want to have a little fun. A little creativity with squid and you could turn your everything they browse upside down (literally)

read more | digg story

Monday, January 21, 2008

CBS Video Streaming sucks!!

Every time I get halfway through an episode of Jericho their shit player stops working. It's no wonder people would rather download than stream. Oh yeah, and of all the networks CBS's video quality sucks the worst also.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Payphones and privacy

I am sure everybody has noticed the dwindling number of payphones around the country. I think part of Apple and AT&T's deal for iPhone exclusivity was that for every couple hundred iPhones sold AT&T would remove a payphone thereby requiring even the most stubborn cellphone holdouts to cave in and get one.

Seriously though, my problem is this:

If I needed to make an anonymous phone call to the "authorities" I would NEVER use my cell phone and with the lack of payphones nowadays I would probably just forgo making the call altogether. Having to weigh whether something is important enough to report that it costs me my own privacy and anonymity is a problem that doesn't seem to have a positive solution.