Thursday, January 04, 2007

CFL's: Taking Too Many People to Change a Lightbulb

I don't understand why it is taking so long for people to switch over to Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs in their homes. I know it took me long enough, mostly because I'm lazy. Now that I have made the switch I am not only excited to see the energy savings but I actually feel better about myself a a person. Switching to CFLs is THE easiest way for the average American to make a difference in our energy consumption. Here really why I don't understand why people are not swarming to the stores to buy CFL's: THEY SAVE YOU MONEY!!!!!!!!! I read somewhere that Adobe spent $11,000 outfitting their headquarters with CFL's and they calculated a savings of $100,000 per year!!!! I think the problem is that Americans are obsessed with instant gratification. They want their savings RIGHT NOW! We don't want to spend an extra $3 on a light bulb unless it saves us at least $3 immediately. I think we need more aggressive marketing to 'edumacate' people on the NUMEROUS benefits to switching over "from the dark side."

UPDATE: I just realized that the picture comparing CFL's and incandescents is quite outdated CFL's cost much less nowadays (I paid $7 for a three pack of GE CFL's in Dec. of 2006). I'll look for a new one and post it when found.

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