Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Visa checkcards and tracking

I was just thinking yesterday morning about what our world would be like if there were no longer any Greenbacks. This would definitely make GW a happy man. The government would be able to track our day from our first cup of joe at Starbucks to our late night iTunes purchase. Mind you I'm currently reading 1984. Well last night during Heroes I saw a Visa commercial about a made-up fast food restaurant where everyone was going throuh the routine with utmost efficient. They were all using their Visa cards and dancing to choreographed music while. Suddenly a guy pulls some cash out of his wallet and the whole production screeched to a halt. Trays fall, people collide; it became chaotic all because a guy paid for his meal with cash. I am definitely addicted to my VISA check card and it scares the hell out of me knowing that Big Brother knows my every move.

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