I wrote this FAX to my senators the day before the Senate voted on an amendment to remove a national ID system from the immigration bill.
Senators Levin and Stabenow,
As a your constituent I implore and urge you to support the Baucus-Tester and Grassley-Baucus amendments to the immigration bill. The REAL ID would be one of the biggest steps away from freedom that this country has ever see. Requiring a citizen to carry and present identification within their own country is reminiscent of Nazi Germany and Communist China. I served my country honorably during Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom to help make this country a safer place to live. A national ID system would only make steps toward fascism and fear. For the sakes of our children and our children's children do not let liberty and freedom become a part of history. Thank you.
Very Respectfully,
Adam Dempsey
Senators Levin and Stabenow,
As a your constituent I implore and urge you to support the Baucus-Tester and Grassley-Baucus amendments to the immigration bill. The REAL ID would be one of the biggest steps away from freedom that this country has ever see. Requiring a citizen to carry and present identification within their own country is reminiscent of Nazi Germany and Communist China. I served my country honorably during Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom to help make this country a safer place to live. A national ID system would only make steps toward fascism and fear. For the sakes of our children and our children's children do not let liberty and freedom become a part of history. Thank you.
Very Respectfully,
Adam Dempsey