Friday, April 27, 2007

Countdown to life without Bush

This is my new favorite key chain gadget! It counts down the days to when the dolt GW is ousted by our constitution. Unless of course he becomes the true dictator he aspires to be. I can't believe the military brainwashed me enough to actually vote for this douche bag.
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Monday, April 23, 2007

Best of two worlds

The best that the U.S. and Russia have to offer come together in Africa. Isn't life grand?
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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Do NOT Buy Monster Cables!

This is the biggest scam in the home theater world. For instance Monster is selling Nintendo Wii component cables for $60 which is double what Nintendo charges for the official cables and up to six times what you can expect to pay for third party cables. Mind you the Wii only displays 480p. There is no possible way that there is a $50 difference in the quality of video between my $10 cables and Monster's $60 ones. I doubt most people could even tell the difference between the two.

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Monday, April 02, 2007

Lets all buy only EMI's tunes

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EMI will now be available on iTunes DRM free! This is the first hammer coming down on the Belrin wall or DRM. Steve got the ball rolling but a major record company actually following through is amazing.