Tuesday, February 27, 2007

What does nationality matter?

Since when does the nationality of a college students matter even if he is depressed ands threatens that he has a bomb??? This is how the media continually feeds the flames of racism and bigotry.
clipped from www.cnn.com

Police: Depressed student said he had bomb, anthrax


ROLLA, Missouri (AP) -- Nearly two dozen people were being decontaminated Tuesday after a white, powdery substance was found on a student who claimed to have a bomb and threatened "terrorist-type" actions at the University of Missouri-Rolla, officials said.

The man, described as a graduate student depressed about his grades, also claimed to have anthrax, according to police. School officials said "possible bomb materials" were found when he was taken into custody.

The man's identity and nationality were not released, though school spokesman Lance Feyh said he was an international student.

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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Quote of the day

"Stop buying products that serve any other master than you." Joel Johnson

This was in reference to an article he wrote for Gizmodo (link) about how what a joke consumer electronics are. The is a perfect description of DRM riddled products such as Microsoft's Plays for Sure, and Apple's Fairplay (which Steve Jobs want to gets rid of but Hollywood has a gun bazooka held to his head). If I legally purchase an album or a movie of of the intertubes I should be able to do whatever the hell I want with it. But no, the music industry and Hollywood stooges get to tell what I'm allowed to do with MY property. I purchased the product, not rented it. Anyway, as that went way off topic, read the article I linked to earlier.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Scary Stuff! aka Bush is trying to get into your pants

I saw this blog today on Gizmodo (the best tech blog on the planet). It says that Hitachi has developed RFID chips that that call "powder" because they are so damn small! This makes the future of any type of personal privacy seem bleak! Remember: Nobody has more motivation to lie than your government. That's my favorite quote that I invented.

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Monday, February 12, 2007

Eben Ice Caves

Me, Mel, Sven, Missie, and Dewitt went to the ice caves in Eben this weekend. It was a great day for it! It was all of our first time going except for Sven. The walk was pretty easy. We brought snowshoes but didn't need them as the trail was packed down and more like a road. I brought my new Garmin Forerunner 305 sans heart rate monitor. It worked great and didn't lose reception once even being in my jacket pocket for the most part. I hope me and Mel get out and do some more fun stuff outside this winter. I'm looking forward to the Porkies in a couple weeks.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

RIAA tries (pitifully) to spin Steve Jobs' blast at DRM

It seems that the RIAA can not read very well. Maybe they should either turn down their corrupted music or get lawyers that read more than just Latin legal jargon. Steve Jobs unequivocally announced yesterday that he wants to see the END of DRM. Not a swtich to everybody relying on the same corrupted music format; the END! The RIAA ASSumed that he meant that everybody should switch to Fairplay which the RIAA would welcome with open arms. If Apple got together with all the tech companies out their couldn't they just crush the RIAA.

In related news, I've heard rumors that a bunch of idie artists and labels are going to join forces to take on the RIAA. Back in the 20's there was a broadcast radio monopoly which required smaller companies joining together to end the monopoly. I really hope this works because many indie artists want their music shared freely without being laden with DRM.

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